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Elemental Initiation

Elemental Initiation

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Learn to work with and honor the elements. Expand your awareness and knowledge on elemental wisdoms and teachings. Dive deep into your own body on a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual level. Create an altar space honoring your own lineage, ancestors, colors, animals, directions, and prayers.

This Elemental Initiation is a 4 part series. You can invest in one series at a time or all four and they do not have to be in a certain order, although we do recommend traveling air, earth, fire, water.

$250 each series | $475 for 2 series | $700 for 3 series | $900 for all 4 series



The morning sun rises in the East bringing the great eagle vision. We call in the element of movement, communication, and the mind. We will call in Grandfather Wind to set forth our intentions as we dive into the medicine wheel.

Includes: Air Teachings, 2 hour private alignment & movement session combined with sound activation, and an intention setting ceremony.



Wellness of our physical bodies, our sacred human vessels. Regenerative Detoxification Specialist Alessandra Milena will customize a one week cleansing protocol which may encompass the following: herbal teas, botanical formulas, raw juice cleanse, daily menu suggestions, and iridology reading.

Includes: Earth-based ceremony & teachings, mandala creation with native plants and flowers, 45 min wellness consultation, and a one-week customized cleanse protocol. (*food & juice not included)



We thank Grandfather Fire for burning away all that no longer serves us. We feed the fire with our prayers and offerings. The power of the smoke medicine allows us to clear spaces and each other as we humbly enter ceremony. Creation and destruction, the never ending cycle of life.

Includes: Fire Ceremony and teachings, One-Hour Energy Work & Limpia Session, and a spark of Shadow Work.



The waters represent our emotions. Through trauma, injury, and "susto" the soul leaves the body. Soul retrieval is process of coming home to ourselves. Alessandra offers a Baño de Flores (flower bath) to support in cleansing our spirits.

Includes: One hour Emotional Guidance & Meditation session, Beach water prayer & ceremony, Baño de Flores (flowers of choice).


Join Alessandra as we travel the medicine wheel and learn the ancient teachings of the elements shared by elders who we honor by name. Through her own experiences and travels Ale has been blessed to learn from her own grandmother, the Moon Dance Abuelas and other spiritual teachers. Read Alessandra About Me HERE to learn more about her background & lineage.


If you are interested in diving deep into this Elemental Mentorship and have any more questions please reach out to Alessandra via email:

*Payment plans available for each series: 2 payments x $130 per month.

**If you are currently facing financial hardships, please reach out.